Terms and Conditions for Walk and Train Sessions
V1.1 February 2023
Here at Dogworthy we want training to be fun and effective, however we have some guidelines and house rules that you need to be aware of in order to make our services comfortable, effective and safe for everyone. Many of them are also necessary for insurance purposes.
1. It is the Owner’s responsibility to disclose any information you have regarding any ANY aggression or reactivity issues your dog has had in the past, either with dogs or humans or otherwise. Failure to do this may result in Dogworthy cancelling further services and forfeiture of all paid fees.
2. It is your responsibility to disclose any change in the status of the above.
3. It is of vital importance that you inform Dogworthy if you, or any members of your household are suffering from any of the symptoms of COVID19 PRIOR to your session. Dogworthy staff uphold to do the same. Please read and adhere to our COVID19 policies.
4. It is your responsibility to inform Dogworthy of ensure Dogworthy is informed of any injuries, illnesses or allergies to your dog PRIOR to the commencement of service. This includes preference of foods as trainers may offer your dog treats.
5. It is your responsibility to inform Dogworthy of any changes in above, or medical status at all at the earliest opportunity.
6. If your bitch is in season, please let us know as soon as you believe she may be. It may not preclude you from services but it can alter the format of services.
7. Dogworthy has the right to terminate a session, without refund, and suspend future sessions if they observe symptoms of an infectious disease or parasite/s. Sessions will only continue when the infection and/or parasite has been treated and is no longer present.
8. Dogworthy staff have the right to terminate a session, without refund, if they believe there is a risk to their personal safety and security whilst undertaking a session.
9. Owners are required to inform Dogworthy prior to attendance if anyone else is due to be in the home at the time of service.
10. Dogworthy has the right to terminate service immediately if it is found that the owner has knowingly provided any wrongful or misleading information to Dogworthy.
11. Should any dog become aggressive or dangerous, Dogworthy reserves the right to terminate the session and cease service until consultation with an appropriate trainer/behaviourist.
12. Dogworthy undertakes to keep safe and confidential all keys, remote control entry devices, access codes and personal information of the Owner and to return to the Owner upon request. Upon the return of any security items, a text message will be sent immediately after, even if returned in person, to act as proof of the return.
13. In the event of what Dogworthy judges to be a medical emergency, i.e. threat to life or serious injury of a dog, Dogworthy is authorised to provide emergency first aid treatment and transport named dog/s to the nearest Veterinary practice available without the owner’s permission. Dogworthy does not accept liability for injuries sustained by dogs as a result of emergency first aid treatment.
14. In the event named dog/s owner is unavailable on the contact telephone numbers provided Dogworthy is able to grant a veterinary practice permission to carry-out any treatment they deem necessary or appropriate.
15. In the event named dog/s owner is unavailable on the contact telephone numbers provided and Dogworthy judges non-emergency, appropriate first aid treatment may be administered without the owner’s permission.
16. By undertaking services, you understand and agree that any costs for pre-existing conditions will be paid in full by yourself when deemed necessary by the veterinary surgeon.
17. All costs associated with veterinary care remain the responsibility of the owner.
17. Single Session cancellations: you may cancel or amend a session with more than 2 full working days notice. Cancellations or with less than 2 full working days notice will incur the full session rate, invoiced as taken sessions.
18. Regular services (greater than weekly services booked for an indeterminate period) can be terminated by owner with 14 days notice.
19. In the event of unavoidable cancellation by Dogworthy, we will endeavour to provide a substitute member of staff if at all possible. Dogworthy also undertakes to inform you of any changes with as much notice as possible.
20. Dogworthy will provide a full refund for any sessions cancelled by Dogworthy under these circumstances.
21. Dogworthy reserves the right to substitute a member of staff with an appropriately qualified alternative at any time.
22. In the event of severely inclement weather sessions will be held in the client’s home. This is at Dogworthy’s discretion as different dogs will have different needs in different conditions.
23. You are to provide suitable equipment for your dog - preferably a harness, but if not a flat collar and lead. No choke or slip devices are allowed, include harnesses that tighten under pressure. No “flexi-leads,” fixed leads only.
24. Owner must ensure named dog/s are up-to-date with flea and worming treatment for each session with Dogworthy.
25. Owner must ensure named dog/s are micro-chipped in accordance with UK Law and that stored information is correct for the length of service. Owners must ensure the dog is carrying correct identification in accordance with UK Law.
26. Photography and video are an integral part of Dogworthy online and in person. This material remains the property of Dogworthy, and may be used for promotional purposes. Please contact us if you have any privacy concerns prior to the commencement of your services.
27. Dogworthy undertakes to give owners written updates and possibly photographs of their dog, however these tasks will not supercede training and care and provision of service.
28. Only dogs that have had written consent from Owners will be let off lead.
29. Dogworthy staff will treat your home as if you have cameras for full accountability at all times, however as a courtesy, feel free to tell us if you have them.
30. Payment will be made prior to provision unless agreed in writing by Dogworthy prior to commencement.
31. Dogworthy has the right to suspend services until outstanding payment is received.
32. All payment is due no later than 7 days after invoice, a £35 late payment fee and 5% per day interest will be applied to ALL payments not within these terms.
33. Service prices are subject to change, written notice will be provided with 14 days notice.
34. Dogworthy undertakes to perform the agreed services in an attentive, reliable and caring manner and the Owner undertakes to provide all necessary information to assist in this performance through answering the pet information questions.
35. All Training abides by the Dogworthy, APDT and IMDT code of ethics, and as such rough treatment or handling will not be tolerated. Dog welfare will always come first.
36. Your information will be held and used only in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2019.
37. By completing any booking with Dogworthy, either online or in person, you are agreeing to adhere to the ongoing terms and conditions, and any and all future amendments.
38. Whilst due care will be taken by Dogworthy, you agree that services are offered at your dog’s own risk and accept Dogworthy is not responsible for damage, accident or injury to person, property or dog.
39. Your pet will remain insured for medical bills incurred, or you will provide adequate indemnity.
40. You understand that ALL advice given by Dogworthy in relation to your dog is specific to YOUR situation based on the information given at the time. Do not pass this information to others, as it may not be suitable.
41. Dogworthy will not be held responsible for misuse or misinterpretation of advice given regarding your dog.
`Dogworthy Training and Behaviour | 12 Rectory Gardens, Northolt Middlesex, UB55DN
07399 512703 | www.dogworthy.net | info@dogworthy.net